Astra Vein & Fibroid Treatment Center, a prestigious vein center in Brooklyn, offers hemorrhoid embolization as one of the best ways to rid yourself of those bothersome bumps on or in your anus. Dr. George Bolotin is a renowned interventional radiologist, and he specializes in the newest techniques for getting rid of hemorrhoids permanently. Follow his and his staff’s guidance so you don’t have to experience any hemorrhoidal veins in the future. Call this vein clinic in Brooklyn for expert care of your hemorrhoids with hemorrhoidal artery embolization and exceptional care for other vein conditions, ranging from poor circulation to dialysis access management.
A hemorrhoid artery embolization (HAE), also known as emborrhoid, is an outpatient procedure for treating chronic hemorrhoids. During the two-hour procedure you’re put under mild sedation.
An interventional radiologist performs the basic steps on hemorrhoidal veins that include:
With the flow of blood staunched, the hemorrhoids shrink, and your symptoms disappear. Hemorrhoidal artery embolization is a popular new way to treat this annoying problem with little down time and a fast recovery. The best doctor for treating your hemorrhoids is an interventional radiologist. And the best in the field is at Astra Vein & Fibroid Treatment Center. Dr. George Bolotin, is a vascular specialist in Brooklyn, NY and a renowned interventional radiologist with extensive experience in hemorrhoid embolization procedures.
An embolizing agent is basically something that blocks the flow of blood in a blood vessel. There are myriad embolizing agents used for different purposes. Your vein specialist in Brooklyn can inform you of what kind of agent they use for your case.
An embolizing agent can be:
The selection of an embolizing agent is the decision of your physician. In your case, a vascular specialist in Brooklyn makes the choice based on the severity of your hemorrhoids and your overall health. Your doctor also relies on experience with the effectiveness of the various embolizing agents that can be used in this treatment.
Your varicose vein doctor in Brooklyn places the embolizing agent using a catheter guided by real time imaging. This is a much less invasive and less complicated procedure than the traditional hemorrhoidectomy and is especially effective for chronic hemorrhoids with excessive bleeding.
A hemorrhoid is a cluster of veins in or around the anus that become swollen and inflamed. Common over-the-counter medications that help with pain and itch are enough for some people to get relief, giving the bumps time to heal on their own.
Whether you rely on home remedies like sitz baths and hemorrhoid creams or choose to find alternatives to hemorrhoidal artery embolization, follow the guidance of your vein doctor in Brooklyn who may offer procedures such as:
For many years, the most common way to get rid of hemorrhoids was with a hemorrhoidectomy. This often resulted in a long and uncomfortable recovery. In addition to hemorrhoid artery embolization, your varicose vein doctor in Brooklyn also understands and shares with you the ways you can prevent a recurrence and avoid hemorrhoids in the future.
You’re a candidate for HAE if you’re in good overall physical health. The severity of hemorrhoids is based on a graded scale, so that when your hemorrhoids reach a certain stage, your doctor is more likely to recommend hemorrhoid embolization.
Your vein specialist in Brooklyn also may recommend this procedure if you:
Your physician’s orders include wound cleaning, drinking lots of water and rest. The two prong approach to battle hemorrhoids is to get them gone and keep them gone. Maintain an open dialog with your NYC doctor and follow his instructions and you may never have to deal with them again.
Hemorrhoid artery embolization is a new, less painful alternative to hemorrhoidectomies. Because there is no actual cutting, the recovery time is much less than that of traditional hemorrhoid surgery. Additionally, risks of side effects are reduced, although since you’re relying on an experienced expert with Dr. Bolotin, risks already are greatly reduced.
The benefits of hemorrhoid artery embolization also include:
Even if you have some physical health conditions, you may still be considered for surgery. HAE typically causes less bleeding and infection after the procedure than other hemorrhoid removal surgeries. Hemorrhoid artery embolization is a safe procedure with excellent results.
If you’re looking for a vein doctor in Brooklyn who understands the physical and psychological effects of hemorrhoids, contact the specialists at Astra Vein & Fibroid Treatment Center.
The experienced vein specialists also treat a wide range of vein conditions, including:
Vein & Vascular Medical Care
4209 Ave U, Suite A.
Brooklyn, NY 11234
(347) 934-9068
Vein & Vascular Medical Care
1976 Crotona Pkwy Suite 3A1
Bronx, NY 10460
(929) 447-4563