Varicose veins affect different people in different ways. Some aren’t bothered by the swollen, purplish veins that usually appear on the legs. Others find them painful and unsightly. If you want to get rid of your varicose veins, find a varicose vein doctor in Brooklyn and Bronx like Dr. George Bolotin at the Astra Vein Treatment Center. He recommends the most appropriate, least invasive approach to removing your varicose veins. An ambulatory phlebotomy may be the perfect solution. Call the practice today for an initial consultation.
This outpatient procedure is an effective treatment for problematic varicose veins. To get this treatment, visit an accomplished vascular specialist in Brooklyn, NY and Bronx, NY, such as Dr. George Bolotin at the Astra Vein Treatment Center. Modern technology and an experienced Interventional Radiologist who focuses on vein problems are the ingredients you need to make your procedure a pleasant and safe procedure.
Also known as a phlebectomy, micro-phlebectomy or stab phlebectomy, ambulatory phlebotomy procedures have a long history in Western medicine. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, performed the first phlebectomy in 2400 BC to treat a varicose vein. The procedure has come a long way since then.
Varicose veins often result from venous insufficiency. Your veins maintain the proper direction for blood flow through a series of valves. When these valves fail, the blood begins to pool in your veins instead of moving on, swelling the vein and damaging its walls.
Once the vein has become so damaged that simpler means can’t treat it, your doctor may recommend surgical removal with an ambulatory phlebectomy. Rest assured that Dr. Bolotin always employs the most conservative vein treatment that can do the job. He may recommend ambulatory phlebotomy if your varicose veins appear near the surface of your skin. Phlebotomy is especially effective for large, protruding and painful veins because they can often lead to conditions, such as:
If you’re wondering why a modern vein doctor in Brooklyn and Bronx would recommend an old-fashioned procedure like phlebotomy when there are many other vein treatments, the reason is simple: it’s still effective. Most varicose vein doctors with any experience recommend an ambulatory phlebectomy when it’s the most appropriate treatment. It delivers excellent results on both symptomatic and asymptomatic visible surface veins.
There are other options for dealing with unsightly or painful varicose veins. Modern medical technology offers new, minimally invasive procedures for removing varicose veins, such as:
Your vascular expert chooses the best varicose vein treatment in Brooklyn and Bronx based on the severity of your condition. An ambulatory phlebectomy works best on the large bulging veins. Other vein conditions, such as spider veins, need other types of treatments.
Dr. Bolotin performs a physical exam to look over your varicose veins. He wants to determine if your varicose veins are the problem or whether the condition is connected to other vein problems, such as deep vein thrombosis or a venous stasis ulcer. During and after your exam, he asks a series of questions to more accurately assess your condition, such as:
Dr. Bolotin performs this minimally invasive procedure in his Brooklyn and Bronx vein center with personalized care and attention. Ambulatory phlebotomy is considered a safe and effective procedure. It’s an outpatient or ambulatory procedure, meaning you can walk out of the office afterward.
Before your procedure, you’re asked to change into a hospital gown to provide access to your varicose veins. Your ambulatory phlebectomy procedure follows several steps that include:
After the procedure, you remain in the office for a short period until you’re ready to walk out on your own. Let Dr. Bolotin or his staff know if you feel any discomfort. He may recommend that you wear compression stockings for several weeks to stabilize the veins and speed up the recovery process. After that short, unobtrusive recovery, you’re ready to live without restrictions or varicose veins.
If you’re suffering from painful or unsightly varicose veins or other blood circulation problems, Dr. Bolotin has the expertise to provide you with the most appropriate varicose vein treatment in Brooklyn and Bronx. Contact the Astra Vein Treatment Center today to get the care you need.
Vein & Vascular Medical Care
4209 Ave U, Suite A.
Brooklyn, NY 11234
(347) 934-9068
Vein & Vascular Medical Care
869 E Tremont Ave
Bronx, NY 10460
(929) 447-4563